Funding Grants

The Jacquelyn Bogue Foundation for Suicide Prevention in Orange County
looks forward to partnering with existing activities and programs in the Orange County area whose goals and objectives are consistent with our own goals, objectives and guiding principles. 

All recepients of grants must be a 501 (c) (3) organization to be eligible. 

We also look forward to supporting, shaping and developing activities and programs that reduce suicide and its tragic aftermath in Orange County.

We believe partnerships are an effective means for the JB Foundation to fulfill parts of our mission and foster a shared sense of community stewardship that is so crucial for the future of suicide prevention in our community.

Eligibility Requirments

 Eligible applicants must be nonprofit public benefit corporations exempt from federal income taxes under Section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Codes, because they are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization or a Private Foundation that is a 501 (c)(3).

Applicants must be located in, or have programs operating within, the service
 area of the County of Orange and/or cities, or have a majority of clients residing in
 Orange County, California

Applicants must operate without illegal discrimination on the basis of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, national origin or disability.

If you are a previous or current BOGUE Foundation grantee, all reporting requirements must be current or your agency will not be considered for funding.

How to Start the Application Process:

Any suicide prevention activity, program or organization interested in applying for a grant to provide service to the Orange County community may call 714 964 4886 and ask for the guidelines for the preliminary proposal and inquiry letter.

Send your completed preliminary proposal and inquiry letter to us at the foundation address listed on the contact page. If, after we review these documents and there is a connection and fit between your proposal goals and The JB Foundation priorities, you will be invited to submit a full grant proposal. 

Thank you for your interest in partnering with The Bogue Foundation in
 preventing suicide in Orange County, California

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Jacquelyn Bogue Foundation
For Suicide Prevention In Orange County
Save A Life Save The Universe