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Jacquelyn Bogue Foundation
For Suicide Prevention In Orange County
Save A Life Save A Universe
Goals of the Organization:

  • Eliminate the stigma associated with suicide in the Orange County area. 
  • Promote awareness and public education that suicide in OC is a public health problem that is preventable. 
  • Support the development and implementation of community-based suicide prevention programs.
  • Implement training for Gatekeepers to recognize at-risk behavior and delivery of effective treatment.
  • Support improving access to crisis hot lines and mental health services. 
  • Support the creation of an Orange County suicide database in conjunction with OC Coroner and medical offices 
  • Develop broad-base support for suicide prevention in Orange County.

Guiding Principles for Priorities, Actions and Funding

  • We are a nonprofit foundation dedicated to suicide prevention in the honor of Jacquelyn Bogue.
  • We believe the psychological science of Suicidology has great potential to save lives.
  • We believe the causes of suicide can be treated. 
  • We believe suicide is preventable.
  • We want to make a difference in Orange County.
  • We advocate responsibly in our area of focus.
  • We support and fund those who act and implement shared goals and objectives in suicide prevention in Orange County.
  • We hope to foster valuable partnerships with grantees in common community endeavors.
  • We prefer that all grants support sustainable ventures.
  • We seek measurable outcome and results with the resources we have been given.
  • We will seek and heed the counsel of experienced and knowledgeable outside voices.
  • We require all programs eligible for funding are approved and/or certified by American Association of Suicidology.
  • We require all programs eligible for funding are consistent with the public health model proposed by the Surgeon General.
  • We prefer that all activities, programs and organizations eligible for funding will meet criteria established by the California Department of Mental Health and the California Suicide Prevention Advisory Council.
Learn More About our Foundation
In 1999, David Satcher, the Surgeon General of the United States, declared that suicide is a public health issue reaching epidemic proportions in this country. He called on each state to develop a comprehensive suicide prevention strategy using the public health approach guided by the National Strategy of Suicide Prevention created at a national conference on suicide prevention in Reno, Nevada, in 1998.
Subsequent to this Call to Action, the California State Suicide Prevention Strategy was created by SPAN-California in 2004. Because of these accomplishments at the state and national levels, we are now able to focus on our own community needs to create a place where the problem of suicide can be more definitively defined; where the needs of suicide intervention and prevention are outlined; and where those touched by suicide are supported and empowered.
Welcome to our web site community! Please join us in realizing our common vision for a more informed and responsive community that will prevent unnecessary deaths to suicide in Orange County.
Our Vision
The JB Foundation envisions an informed community where suicide is considered a public health issue; where it is known that suicide is caused by conditions that are treatable and, therefore, preventable; where community members who have lost
a loved one to suicide are supported; and where growing awareness of the problem of suicide leads community partnerships and actions that will save lives from
suicide in Orange County.
Our Mission
The JB Foundation is on a mission to eliminate the stigma of suicide in the Orange County area by promoting knowledge and understanding of the public health issue of suicide and its aftermath; to reduce the rate of suicide through public
awareness and education; to promote, support and shape Orange County activities and programs aimed at suicide prevention and intervention; and, to support and empower those individuals and families touched by suicide in the our area. This mission will be accomplished by perpetuating Yolanda Bogue's philanthropic
vision through the implementation of the State of California Strategy for Suicide Prevention in our community.