The Jacquelyn Bogue Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) Private Foundation created by Yolanda Bogue in honor of her daughter Jacquelyn who died by suicide at the age of 30. Before her own death in 2006, Yolanda made clear her resolve to assure Jacquelyn's death not be in vain, but rather turned into a positive force that benefits others. She wanted to help prevent other individuals and families from the tragedy and heartache caused by a loved one's suicide, one she knew all too well. At her behest, the JB Foundation was created and established in June 2007 to reduce the rate of suicide, eliminate its stigma and support those already touched by suicide in the Orange County area.

The JB Foundation envisions an informed community where suicide is considered a public health issue; where it is known that suicide is caused by conditions that are treatable and, therefore, preventable; where community members who have lost a loved one to suicide are supported; and where growing awareness of the problem of suicide leads community partnerships and actions that will save lives from suicide in our community.

Our mission is dedicated to suicide prevention in Orange County, intervention of those who are suicidal in Orange County and support to survivors of a loved ones suicide in Orange County. We want to develop, shape and support activities and programs working toward suicide prevention in Orange County. In this joint endeavor we will be guided by our own principles and the California Strategy created by SPAN-California in 2004.

Over the past 10 years, our country has been on a journey to recognize that suicide is caused by treatable conditions that are preventable. When viewed like this, we can get distance from the behavioral complexity of suicide and start understanding how we can work together as a community to reduce suicide and its tragic aftermath. Please join us on our local journey to create community and inspire actions and positive changes that reduce suicide in Orange County. Together we can make a difference by preventing suicide in Orange County, helping those who are suicidal and providing post intervention to survivors of suicide in Orange County.

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Jacquelyn Bogue Foundation
For Suicide Prevention In Orange County
Save A Life Save A Universe
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 Call 1 800-273-TALK (8255) or 
1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433) 
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